Monday, July 1, 2013

Cutco Knives

I always have a eye out for knives while shopping at garage sales. Last Saturday I found these Cutco knives.
Vintage Cutco Knives and Cutco Knife Holders
The picture above shows two Cutco knife holders, a Cutco fork, Cutco butcher knife, Cutco paring knive and Cutco slicer knife. These are older knives, they seem to be the same as currently sold knives except for the handle material. Cutco has changed the handle material several times over the years.

Cutco Knife Handles
This picture shows the Cutco knife handles. This handle material resembles wood, it is a soft brown color with black swirls that mimics wood grain.

I think Cutco knife handles are quite comfortable.

Vintage Cutco Knives
This picture shows just the knives. The first is the fork. Next the butcher knife. A butcher knife has the rounded end — I image so the butcher can swing the knife through an arc as he is cutting. Next a paring knife, then a slicer. A slicer is a long thin knife. If you want to have nice looking slices of something you need a long slicer knife so you can pull the knife through just once for each slice.

Cutco Paring Knife
This is a close up of the Cutco paring knife. While the rest of the knives in this set are in excellent shape — this poor paring knife seems to have been sharpened to within a inch of it's life!

Cutco knives seem to have some kind of mystique about them. When I am set up in my knife sharpening booth people always approach me and ask if I sharpen Cutco knives. The answer is yes, I sharpen Cutco knives.

Cutco knives are sold by direct marketing in homes, so I assume that is why people seem to think that Cutco knives are somehow different — the salesperson (who is probably a relative or neighbor) operates off of a script.

A knife is a knife. There are different shapes, different sizes, different material and construction, but all are quite close to the original design that dates back some millions of years — and pretty much any knife is sharpened using the same tools and methods.

I decided to put these Cutco knives up on eBay.

1 comment:

  1. I really like all the knives. Thanks for sharing with us great blog..I also like all the features of this knife.
    OTF Blades
